Hetta er dokumentatiónssíðan fyri Fyrimynd:Infoboks val.

Henda síðan er ikki neyðturviliga hugsað at skula vísast beinleiðis. Um hon nýtir variablar, so kunnu nøkur leinki sýnast sum brotin. Tú mást ikki útskifta variablarnir við beinleiðis tittlar ella URL.


{{Infoboks val
| election_name     = 
| country           = 
| flag_year         = 
| flag_image        = 
| type              = <!-- presidential, legislative, or parliamentary -->
| ongoing           = 
| party_colour      = 
| party_name        = 
| previous_election = 
| previous_year     = 
| previous_mps      = 
| election_date     = <!-- {{Start date|YYYY|MM|DD}} -->
| elected_mps       = 
| next_election     = 
| next_year         = 
| next_mps          = 
| seats_for_election= 
| majority_seats    = 
| opinion_polls     = 
| turnout           = 
<!--        person 1        -->
| image1            = 
| colour1           = 
| nominee1          = <!-- presidential only, when appropriate, candidate1 can be used instead -->
| leader1           = <!-- legislative or parliamentary only-->
| party1            = 
| alliance1         = 
<!-- presidential -->
| home_state1       = 
| running_mate1     = 
| electoral_vote1   = 
| states_carried1   = 
<!-- legislative or parliamentary -->
| leader_since1     = 
| leaders_seat1     = 
| last_election1    = 
| seats_before1     = 
| seats_needed1     = 
| seats1            = 
| seats_after1      = 
| seat_change1      = 
<!-- any -->
| popular_vote1     = 
| percentage1       = 
| swing1            = <!-- legislative or parliamentary only-->
<!--        person 2        -->
| image2            = 
| colour2           = 
| nominee2          = <!-- presidential only, when appropriate, candidate2 can be used instead -->
| leader2           = <!-- legislative or parliamentary only-->
| party2            = 
| alliance2         = 
<!-- presidential -->
| home_state2       = 
| running_mate2     = 
| electoral_vote2   = 
| states_carried2   = 
<!-- legislative or parliamentary -->
| leader_since2     = 
| leaders_seat2     = 
| last_election2    = 
| seats_before2     = 
| seats_needed2     = 
| seats2            = 
| seats_after2      = 
| seat_change2      = 
<!-- any -->
| popular_vote2     = 
| percentage2       = 
| swing2            = <!-- legislative or parliamentary only-->
<!-- polls -->
| poll1_date        = 
| poll1_source      = 
| poll1_nominee1    = <!-- presidential only, when appropriate, poll1_candidate1 can be used instead -->
| poll1_party1      = <!-- legislative or parliamentary only-->
| poll1_nominee2    = <!-- presidential only, when appropriate, poll1_candidate2 can be used instead -->
| poll1_party2      = <!-- legislative or parliamentary only-->
| poll2_date        = 
| poll2_source      = 
| poll2_nominee1    = <!-- presidential only, when appropriate, poll2_candidate1 can be used instead -->
| poll2_party1      = <!-- legislative or parliamentary only-->
| poll2_nominee2    = <!-- presidential only, when appropriate, poll2_candidate2 can be used instead -->
| poll2_party2      = <!-- legislative or parliamentary only-->
<!-- auxiliary rows -->
| 1blank            = 
| 1data1            = 
| 1data2            = 
| 2blank            = 
| 2data1            = 
| 2data2            = 
<!-- map -->
| map_image         = 
| map_size          = 
| map_alt           = 
| map               = 
| map_caption       = 
<!-- bottom -->
| title             = 
| before_election   = 
| before_party      = 
| posttitle         = 
| after_election    = 
| after_party       = 
*Non-optional fields.
† only displayed if the election is yet to take place.
‡ only displayed if the election has finished.
Field Type Description
election_name * Name given to the election. If this field is left empty the page name is displayed
country Country where the election took place.
flag_year For historical elections when an older flag design was in effect, enter the year the flag came into effect (not the election year). Default is to use the current flag.
flag_image For non-country elections, specify the full name of the flag, coat-of-arms, or seal image to display.
type * The type of election. Must be one of three: presidential, legislative, or parliamentary. Legislative after the election will display majority and minority party, rather than first and second party.
ongoing * Must be either yes or no, whether the election is yet to take place, or completed. Fields marked with a † are only displayed if the election is yet to take place. Fields marked with a ‡ are only displayed if the election is has finished. (Default no).
party_colour Also spelled party_color. To turn off the party colours enter 'no'.
party_name To turn off linking to the parties enter 'no'.
previous_election The page name of the last election of this type.
previous_year The year the last election of this type took place.
previous_mps legislative
Also spelled previous_MPs or previous_members, page name for the members elected in the last election.
election_date Date of election - use {{Start date}}
elected_mps legislative
Wikilink to the MPs elected in this election.
next_election The page name of the next election of this type.
next_year The year the next election of this type took place.
next_mps legislative
Also spelled next_MPs or next_members, page name for the members elected in the next election.
seats_for_election legislative
The number of seats for election and the house or chamber the seats are for.
majority_seats legislative
The number of seats required for a majority government. If there is an even number of seats in the house or chamber, use the number that is said by the media.
opinion_polls Pagename or section anchor of opinion polls.
turnout Voter turnout for this election.
image1 Image of Nominee or Party Leader. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Leaders at the same time. In order to work, colour1 or party1 must be entered.
colour1 Also spelt color1. Enter a hex colour code (without the #) to override the border colour of image1. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Leaders at the same time.
nominee1 presidential Name of Nominee. When appropriate, candidate1 can be used instead. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Candidates at the same time.
leader1 legislative
Name of Party Leader. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.
party1 Political Party using Political party shortname templates. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.
alliance1 Political alliance in elections where coalition politics is common.
home_state1 presidential The state the Nominee or Candidate represents. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees at the same time.
running_mate1 presidential The Nominee's Running mate. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees at the same time.
electoral_vote1 presidential
The electoral votes obtained by the Nominee. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees at the same time.
states_carried1 presidential
The states carried or won by the Nominee. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees at the same time.
leader_since1 legislative
The date the Leader took office. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.
leaders_seat1 legislative
The seat the Leader represents. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.
last_election1 legislative
The seat count and percentage of the vote received at the previous election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.
seats_before1 legislative
The seat count before the election, labeled 'current seats' if the election is yet to take place. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.
seats_needed1 legislative
The seats required to gain an overall majority. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.
seats1 legislative
The seats won at the election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.
seats_after1 legislative
The seat count after the election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.
seat_change1 legislative
The change in the number of seats won at the election compared to the previous election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.
popular_vote1 The number of votes obtained by the Nominee or Party. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.
percentage1 The percentage of the popular vote obtained by the Nominee or Party. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.
swing1 legislative
The swing or change in popular vote at the election compared to the previous election. The number can be changed up to nine to display different Parties at the same time.
poll1_date The date of an opinion poll. The number can be changed up to five to display different polls at the same time.
poll1_source The source or ULR of the opinion poll. The number can be changed up to five to display different polls at the same time.


poll1_nominee1 presidential
The percentage poll 1 gave to nominee 1. When appropriate, poll1_candidate1 can be used instead. The poll number can be changed up to five to display different polls at the same time. The nominee or candidate number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Candidates at the same time.
poll1_party1 legislative
The percentage poll 1 gave to party 1. The poll number can be changed up to five to display different polls at the same time. The party number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees at the same time.
1blank Title of an auxiliary row. The number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows.
1data1 Data 1 for nominee or party 1. The first number can be changed up to six to display six extra rows. The second number can be changed up to nine to display different Nominees or Parties at the same time.
map_image Page name for the election map file.
map_size Size of image of the election map to be displayed. (Default 300px).
map_alt Alt text for the election map.
map A freeform replacement for the above, which can be used to insert extension:ImageMaps or templates instead of images.
map_caption Caption on image of the election map to be displayed.
title Title of the leader before the election. (President, Speaker, Government, Prime Minister...)
before_election The leader in power before the election, labeled incumbent if the election is yet to take place.
before_party The party in power before the election.
posttitle Title of the victor of the election (President-elect, Prime Minister-designate...), only if different than before.
after_election The leader in power as a result of the election.
after_party The party in power as a result of the election.

The template can display up to nine parties or nominees at the same time, three per row. If exactly four are needed, use the first two on the top and bottom lines. This is done by only using the numbers 1, 2, 4 and 5 on the fields that require a number.

All the fields that work for Legislative will also work for Parliamentary. The only difference between the two is the titles above the images.

The template uses the party fields to display the party colour in the background of the images and some text. To turn this function off, input:

| party_colour      = no

To override the calling of the party short name templates, input:

| party_name        = no

To override the colour for party1 or nominee1, input:

| colour1           = [HEX OF COLOUR, MINUS #]

The hex number must be entered without the hash for the field to work. The number (colour1) can be changed up to nine for different parties or Nominees. The fields work with both spellings of the word 'color'.


Fólkatingsvalið 2007
2007 ←
13. november 2007
Fólkatingsvalið 2007
→ 2011

Atkvøtt verður um 179 pláss í Fólkatinginum.
175 úr Danmark, 2 úr Grønlandi og 2 úr Føroyum.

90 tingsessir fyri ein meiriluta
Atkvøtt 3.503.789
  Størsti flokkur Næststørsti flokkur
Formaður Anders Fogh Rasmussen Helle Thorning-Schmidt
Flokkur Venstre Socialdemokraterne
Formaður síðan 1998 2005
Siðsta val 52 limir, 29% 47 limir, 25,9%
Broyting í tingsessum -6 -2
Atkvøður 908.472 881,037
Prosent 26,2% 25,5%
Munur í prosent -2,8% -0,4%

Sitandi forsætisráðharri

Anders Fogh Rasmussen

Valdur forsætisráðharri

Anders Fogh Rasmussen

{{Infoboks val
|election_name = Fólkatingsvalið 2007
|country = Danmark
|type = parliamentary
|ongoing = no
|previous_election = Fólkatingsvalið 2005
|previous_year = 2005
|previous_mps = Fólkatingslimir valdir í 2005
|elected_mps = Fólkatingslimir valdir í 2007
|election_date = 13. november 2007
|next_election = Fólkatingsvalið 2011
|next_year = 2011
|seats_for_election = Atkvøtt verður um 179 pláss í [[Fólkatingið|Fólkatinginum]].<br />175 úr [[Danmark]], 2 úr [[Grønland]]i og 2 úr [[Føroyar|Føroyum]].
|majority_seats = 90
<!-- Statsministerkandidat for Venstre -->
|image1 = [[File:Anders Fogh Rasmussen - World Economic Forum Annual Meeting Davos 2008.jpg|130px]]
|colour1 = 0000FF
|leader1 = Anders Fogh Rasmussen
|party1 = Venstre
|alliance1 = Partibogstav{{!}}VCOY
|leader_since1 = 1998
|last_election1 = 52 limir, 29%
|seats1 = 46
|seat_change1 = -6
|popular_vote1 = 908.472
|percentage1 = 26,2%
|swing1 = -2,8%
<!-- Statsministerkandidat for Socialdemokraterne -->
|image2 = [[File:Helle Thorning-Schmidt, 2008.jpg|130px]]
|colour2 = FF0000
|leader2 = Helle Thorning-Schmidt
|party2 = Socialdemokraterne
|alliance2 = Partibogstav{{!}}ABFØK
|leader_since2 = 2005
|last_election2 = 47 limir, 25,9%
|seats2 = 45
|seat_change2 = -2
|popular_vote2 = 881,037
|percentage2 = 25,5%
|swing2 = -0,4%
|title = forsætisráðharri
|before_election = Anders Fogh Rasmussen
|before_party = Venstre
|after_election = Anders Fogh Rasmussen
|after_party = Venstre

Hildin forsetaval

Amerikanska forsetavalið 2004
2000 ←
2. november 2004
→ 2008

Kandidat George W. Bush John Kerry
Flokkur Republikanarnir Demokratarnir
Heimstatur Texas Massachusetts
Samstarvsvalevni Richard B. Cheney John Edwards
Valmenn 286 251
Statir vunnir 31 19 + DC
Atkvøður 62,040,610 59,028,444
Prosent 50.7% 48.3%


Sitandi Forseti

George W. Bush

Valdur Forseti

George W. Bush

{{Infoboks val
| election_name     = Amerikanska forsetavalið 2004
| country           = USA
| type              = presidential
| previous_election = Amerikanska forsetavalið 2000
| previous_year     = 2000
| election_date     = 2. november 2004
| next_election     = Amerikanska forsetavalið 2008
| next_year         = 2008
<!-- George W. Bush -->
| image1            = [[File:George-W-Bush.jpeg|160x150px]]
| nominee1          = [[George W. Bush]]
| party1            = Republikanski flokkurin (USA){{!}}Republikanarnir
| home_state1       = [[Texas]]
| running_mate1     = [[Dick Cheney|Richard B. Cheney]]
| electoral_vote1   = 286
| states_carried1   = 31
| popular_vote1     = 62,040,610
| percentage1       = 50.7%
<!-- John Kerry -->
| image2            = [[File:John Kerry headshot with US flag.jpg|160x150px]]
| nominee2          = [[John Kerry]]
| party2            = Demokratiski flokkurin (USA){{!}}Demokratarnir
| home_state2       = [[Massachusetts]]
| running_mate2     = [[John Edwards]]
| electoral_vote2   = 251
| states_carried2   = 19 + [[Washington, D.C.|DC]]
| popular_vote2     = 59,028,444
| percentage2       = 48.3%
<!-- map -->
| map_image         = ElectoralCollege2004.svg
| map_size          = 270px
| map_caption       = Úrslit
<!-- bottom -->
| title             = Forseti
| before_election   = [[George W. Bush]]
| before_party      = Republikanski flokkurin (USA){{!}}Republikanarnir
| after_election    = [[George W. Bush]]
| after_party       = Republikanski flokkurin (USA){{!}}Republikanarnir

Enn ikki hildið forsetaval (dømi, júst hetta valið er hildið)

Amerikanska forsetavalið 2008
2004 ←
4. november 2008
→ 2012

Kandidat Hillary Clinton Barack Obama John Edwards
Flokkur Demokraterne Demokratarnir Demokratarnir
Heimstatur New York Illinois North Carolina
2007-08-03[1] 45% 22% 9%
2007-08-01[2] 46% 23% 12%
2007-08-01[3] 44% 23% 14%
2007-07-30[4] 43% 22% 13%

Kandidatur Rudy Giuliani Fred Thompson John McCain
Flokkur Republikanarnir Republikanarnir Republikanarnir
Hjemstat New York Tennessee Arizona
2007-08-03[5] 26% 21% 11%
2007-08-01[6] 32% 20% 13%
2007-08-01[7] 33% 20% 17%
2007-07-30[8] 30% 22% 13%

Valmenn í statum

Núverandi Forseti

George W. Bush

{{Infoboks val
| election_name     = Amerikanska forsetaval 2008
| country           = United States
| type              = presidential
| ongoing           = yes
| previous_election = Amerikanska forsetaval 2004
| previous_year     = 2004
| election_date     = 4. november 2008
| next_year         = 2012
<!-- Hillary Clinton -->
| image1            = [[File:Hillary Clinton official Secretary of State portrait crop.jpg|160x150px]]
| candidate1        = [[Hillary Rodham Clinton|Hillary Clinton]]
| party1            = Demokratiski flokkurin (USA){{!}}Demokratarnir
| home_state1       = [[New York (lutstatur)|New York]]
| running_mate1     = 
| electoral_vote1   = 
| states_carried1   = 
| popular_vote1     = 
| percentage1       = 
<!-- Barack Obama -->
| image2            = [[File:Official portrait of Barack Obama.jpg|160x150px]]
| candidate2        = [[Barack Obama]]
| party2            = Demokratiski flokkurin (USA){{!}}Demokratarnir
| home_state2       = [[Illinois]]
| running_mate2     = 
| electoral_vote2   = 
| states_carried2   = 
| popular_vote2     = 
| percentage2       = 
<!-- John Edwards -->
| image3            = [[File:John Edwards, official Senate photo portrait.jpg|160x150px]]
| candidate3        = [[John Edwards]]
| party3            = Demokratiski flokkurin (USA){{!}}Demokratarnir
| home_state3       = [[North Carolina]]
| running_mate3     = 
| electoral_vote3   = 
| states_carried3   = 
| popular_vote3     = 
| percentage3       = 
<!-- Rudy Giuliani -->
| image4            = [[File:Rudy Giuliani.jpg|160x150px]]
| candidate4        = [[Rudy Giuliani]]
| party4            = Republikanski flokkurin (USA){{!}}Republikanarnir
| home_state4       = [[New York (lutstatur)|New York]]
| running_mate4     = 
| electoral_vote4   = 
| states_carried4   = 
| popular_vote4     = 
| percentage4       = 
<!-- Fred Thompson -->
| image5            = [[File:Fred Thompson.jpg|160x150px]]
| candidate5        = [[Fred Thompson]]
| party5            = Republikanski flokkurin (USA){{!}}Republikanarnir
| home_state5       = [[Tennessee]]
| running_mate5     = 
| electoral_vote5   = 
| states_carried5   = 
| popular_vote5     = 
| percentage5       = 
<!-- John McCain -->
| image6            = [[File:John McCain official portrait 2009.jpg|160x150px]]
| candidate6        = [[John McCain]]
| party6            = Republikanski flokkurin (USA){{!}}Republikanarnir
| home_state6       = [[Arizona]]
| running_mate6     = 
| electoral_vote6   = 
| states_carried6   = 
| popular_vote6     = 
| percentage6       = 
<!-- polls -->
| poll1_date        = 2007-08-03
| poll1_source      =
| poll1_candidate1  = '''45%'''
| poll1_candidate2  = 22%
| poll1_candidate3  = 9%
| poll1_candidate4  = '''26%'''
| poll1_candidate5  = 21%
| poll1_candidate6  = 11%

| poll2_date        = 2007-08-01
| poll2_source      =
| poll2_candidate1  = '''46%'''
| poll2_candidate2  = 23%
| poll2_candidate3  = 12%
| poll2_candidate4  = '''32%'''
| poll2_candidate5  = 20%
| poll2_candidate6  = 13%

| poll3_date        = 2007-08-01
| poll3_source      =
| poll3_candidate1  = '''44%'''
| poll3_candidate2  = 23%
| poll3_candidate3  = 14%
| poll3_candidate4  = '''33%'''
| poll3_candidate5  = 20%
| poll3_candidate6  = 17%

| poll4_date        = 2007-07-30
| poll4_source      =
| poll4_candidate1  = '''43%'''
| poll4_candidate2  = 22%
| poll4_candidate3  = 13%
| poll4_candidate4  = '''30%'''
| poll4_candidate5  = 22%
| poll4_candidate6  = 13%
<!-- map -->
| map_image         = US Electoral College Map.PNG
| map_size          = 350px
| map_caption       = Valmenn í statum
<!-- bottom -->
| title             = Forseti
| before_election   = [[George W. Bush]]
| before_party      = Republikanski flokkurin (USA){{!}}Republikanarnir
| after_election    = 
| after_party       = 

Fólkaatkvøða ella tjóðartingsval (parlamentsval)

Tjóðartingsvalið í Stóra Bretlandi 2005
Stóra Bretland
2001 ←
5. maj 2001
Tinglimir valdir á tjóðartingsvalinum í Stóra Bretlandi 2001
→ 2010

Allir 646 tinglimir til Undirhúsið
324 tingsessir fyri ein meiriluta
Opinion polls
Atkvøtt 61.4%
  Størsti flokkur Næststørsti flokkur Triðstørsti flokkur
Formaður Tony Blair Michael Howard Charles Kennedy
Flokkur Labour Konservativi Flokkurin (UK) Liberal Democrats
Formaður síðan 21. juli 1994 6. november 2003 9. august 1999
Valdømi leiðarans Sedgefield Folkestone & Hythe Ross, Skye, & Lochaber
Siðsta val 413 tinglimir, 40.7% 166 tinglimir, 31.7% 52 tinglimir, 18.3%
Tingsessir áðrenn valið 403 165 51
Sessir vunnir 355 198 62
Broyting í tingsessum -48 +33 +11
Atkvøður 9,552,436 8,784,915 5,985,454
Prosent 35.2% 32.4% 22.0%
Munur í prosent -5.5% +0.7% +3.7%

Valdømi vunnin av teimum ymisku flokkunum

Sitandi Forsætisráðharri

Tony Blair

Valdur Forsætisráðharri

Tony Blair

{{Infoboks val
| election_name     = Tjóðartingsvalið í Stóra Bretlandi 2005
| country           = United Kingdom
| type              = parliamentary
| previous_election = Tjóðartingsvalið í Stóra Bretlandi 2001
| previous_year     = 2001
| previous_mps      = Tinglimir valdir á tjóðartingsvalinum í Stóra Bretlandi 2005
| election_date     = 5. maj 2001
| elected_mps       = Tinglimir valdir á tjóðartingsvalinum í Stóra Bretlandi 2001
| next_election     = Tjóðartingsvalið í Stóra Bretlandi 2010
| next_year         = 2010
| next_mps          = Tinglimir valdir á tjóðartingsvalinum í Stóra Bretlandi 2010
| seats_for_election= Allir 646 tinglimir til [[Undirhúsið]]
| majority_seats    = 324
| opinion_polls     = #Meiningsmátingar
| turnout           = 61.4%
<!-- Labour -->
| image1            = [[File:TonyBlairBasra.JPG|160x150px]]
| leader1           = [[Tony Blair]]
| party1            = Labour
| leader_since1     = 21. juli 1994
| leaders_seat1     = Sedgefield
| last_election1    = 413 tinglimir, 40.7%
| seats_before1     = 403
| seats1            = 355
| seat_change1      = -48
| popular_vote1     = 9,552,436
| percentage1       = 35.2%
| swing1            = -5.5%
<!-- Conservative -->
| image2            = [[File:Michael Howard 1099 cropped.jpg|160x150px]]
| leader2           = [[Michael Howard]]
| party2            = Konservativi Flokkurin (UK)
| leader_since2     = 6. november 2003
| leaders_seat2     = Folkestone & Hythe
| last_election2    = 166 tinglimir, 31.7%
| seats_before2     = 165
| seats2            = 198
| seat_change2      = +33
| popular_vote2     = 8,784,915
| percentage2       = 32.4%
| swing2            = +0.7%
<!-- Liberal Democrats -->
| image3            = [[File:Charles Kennedy.jpg|160x150px]]
| leader3           = [[Charles Kennedy]]
| party3            = Liberal Democrats
| leader_since3     = 9. august 1999
| leaders_seat3     = [[Ross, Skye and Lochaber (UK Parliament constituency)|Ross, Skye, & Lochaber]]
| last_election3    = 52 tinglimir, 18.3%
| seats_before3     = 51
| seats3            = 62
| seat_change3      = +11
| popular_vote3     = 5,985,454
| percentage3       = 22.0%
| swing3            = +3.7%
<!-- map -->
| map_image         = 2005UKElectionMap.svg
| map_size          = 250px
| map_caption       = Valdømi vunnin av teimum ymisku flokkunum
<!-- bottom -->
| title             = Forsætisráðharri
| before_election   = [[Tony Blair]]
| before_party      = Labour
| after_election    = [[Tony Blair]]
| after_party       = Labour

Endnu ikke afholdt parlamentsvalg eller folkeafstemning (dømi, valið hevur verið)

Det 54. parlamentsvalg i Storbritannien
Stóra Bretland
2005 ←
Senest 3. juni 2010

Alle 650 mandater til Underhuset
326 tingsessir fyri ein meiriluta
Formaður Gordon Brown David Cameron Nick Clegg
Flokkur Labour Konservative Parti (UK) Liberal Democrats
Formaður síðan 24. juni 2007 6. december 2010 18. december 2007
Valdømi leiðarans Kirkcaldy & Cowdenbeath Witney Sheffield Hallam
Siðsta val 355 mandater, 35.2% 198 mandater, 32.4% 62 seats, 22.0%
Núverandi tingsessir 345 193 63
Tingsessir kravdir -20 132 262

Núverandi Prime Minister

Gordon Brown
Labour Party

{{Infoboks val
| election_name     = Det 54. parlamentsvalg i Storbritannien
| country           = United Kingdom
| type              = parliamentary
| ongoing           = yes
| previous_election = Parlamentsvalget i Storbritannien 2005
| previous_year     = 2005
| previous_mps      = Parlamentsmedlemmer valgt i parlamentsvalget i Storbritannien 2005
| election_date     = Senest 3. juni 2010
| elected_mps       = 
| next_election     = 
| next_year         = 
| next_mps          = 
| seats_for_election= Alle 650 mandater til [[Underhuset]]
| majority_seats    = 326
| opinion_polls     =
| turnout           = 
<!-- Labour -->
| image1            = [[File:GordonBrown1234_cropped.jpg|160x150px]]
| leader1           = [[Gordon Brown]]
| party1            = Labour
| leader_since1     = 24. juni 2007
| leaders_seat1     = Kirkcaldy & Cowdenbeath
| last_election1    = 355 mandater, 35.2%
| seats_before1     = 345
| seats_needed1     = -20
| seats1            = 
| seat_change1      = 
| popular_vote1     = 
| percentage1       = 
| swing1            = 
<!-- Conservative -->
| image2            = [[File:David Cameron - World Economic Forum Annual Meeting Davos 2010.jpg|160x150px]]
| leader2           = [[David Cameron]]
| party2            = Konservative Parti (UK)
| leader_since2     = 6. december 2010
| leaders_seat2     = Witney
| last_election2    = 198 mandater, 32.4%
| seats_before2     = 193
| seats_needed2     = 132
| seats2            = 
| seat_change2      = 
| popular_vote2     = 
| percentage2       = 
| swing2            = 
<!-- Liberal Democrat -->
| image3            = [[File:Nick Clegg by the 2009 budget cropped.jpg|160x150px]]
| leader3           = [[Nick Clegg]]
| party3            = Liberal Democrats
| leader_since3     = 18. december 2007
| leaders_seat3     = Sheffield Hallam
| last_election3    = 62 seats, 22.0%
| seats_before3     = 63
| seats_needed3     = 262
| seats3            = 
| seat_change3      = 
| popular_vote3     = 
| percentage3       = 
| swing3            = 
<!-- map -->
| map_image         = 
| map_size          = 
| map_caption       = 
<!-- bottom -->
| title             = Prime Minister
| before_election   = [[Gordon Brown]]
| before_party      = Labour Party
| after_election    = 
| after_party       = 