Føroyar Vælkomin á føroysku Wikipediu!

Hey Bazzy11, og vælkomin til føroysku Wikipediu! Takk fyri tíni ískoyti. Eg vóni, at tær dámar Wikipediu og ger av at verða verandi. Her eru nakrar góðar slóðir til nýggjar brúkarar:

iceley 4. mai 2013 kl. 23:27 (UTC)Reply

Don't speak Faroese? Post {{Brúkari fo-0}} on your user page or put it into your babel box.

IKKE dansk Wikipedia


Vennligst IKKE lag flere artikler på dansk på færøysk Wikipedia. Om det fortsetter vil du bli blokkert. iceley 10. nov 2014 kl. 02:10 (UTC)Reply

Eg skuldi akkurát til at siga tað sama. Please don't write in Danish on the Faroese Wikipeida. EileenSanda (talk) 10. nov 2014 kl. 07:49 (UTC)Reply
Why did you create all these pages with only Danish content? If you wish to write in Danish, please write in the Danish Wikipedia. I really don't have time to translate all those pages you have created into Faroese and I will not be dictated by you what I should write about. I have deleted some of the pages and kept a few with only a few sentences. Please stop this behaviour or we will have to block you. Regards EileenSanda (talk) 11. nov 2014 kl. 06:29 (UTC)Reply
I am sorry for creating all those articles in Danish :( I just wanted to contribute… Bazzy11 (talk) 23. nov 2014 kl. 15:10 (UTC)Reply

Vinarliga halt eina pausu við at skriva føroyskt her


Hey. Eg síggi, at tú roynir at skriva á føroyskum, men tað eru nógvir málsligir feilir, og tað má rættast. Ikki skriva so nógv í senn, eg klári ikki at fylgja við. Kanst tú ikki líka halda eina pausu, so eg kann náa at rætta? Vinarlig heilsan EileenSanda (talk) 23. nov 2014 kl. 02:19 (UTC)Reply

Hey. Yes I thought if I tried in faroese, it would be easier for you guys to just correct it, rather than me writing in Danish (i'm from Keypmannahavn). I will definitely take a break and try to write more in the coming days, if that's OK, limited to an article at a time :) Thank you for your translations and help. I just really came to like your language and become interested in your culture, as a lot of people here do not seem to be very knowledgeable about Føroyar. Bazzy11 (talk) 23. nov 2014 kl. 06:49 (UTC)Reply
If you are from Copenhagen, why don't you write in Danish here on your talk-page, or at least when you write to me? Færinger lærer dansk fra 3. klasse og har ingen problemer med at kommunikere skriftligt på dansk. But of course, not all of the wikipedians here understand Danish, people come from different countries around the world. Ok, one page at the time sounds ok. There are not so many active Faroese Wikipeidans here on the Faroese WP. I am quite active on the Danish Wikipeida right now writing about Faroese persons and issues, so when I have to correct your articles here it takes time from my work on other Wikipedias or other articles here. EileenSanda (talk) 23. nov 2014 kl. 10:42 (UTC)Reply
Rættingar: Tú skrivaði: "Oyggjabólkurin liggja", altso, oyggjabólkur (a group of islands) er eintal (singular) og tí skal sagnorðið (udsagnsordet) sjálvandi eisini standa í eintal, liggja er í fleirtal, har skal í staðin standa "liggur". Tú skrivaði at "Gjaldoyra er evruni", tá ið sagnorðið er "er" skal navnorðið standa í hvørfall (nominativ), tvs. er evran). Tú skrivar "Oyggjarnar hevur verið", Oyggjarnar står her i flertal, hevur står i ental, der skal stå: "Oyggjarnar hava verið". Når du ikke kan den grundlæggende grammatik, som f.eks. at skelne mellem ental og flertal, så vil jeg fraråde dig at skrive en længere tekst her, da det er alt for tidskrævende for mig eller andre at korrigere, og for øjeblikket ser det ikke ud til at andre end mig vil påtage sig opgaven. EileenSanda (talk) 23. nov 2014 kl. 10:53 (UTC)Reply

Tú skivar: "Týdningarmesta handilspartnarnir eru" og so nevnir tú fleiri lond, eru er í fleirtal, so tað er rætt, men "Týdningarmesta" stendur her í eintal, tað skal sjálvandi standa í fleirtal: "Týdningarmestu". Og í somu grein skrivar tú: "og hava tí Elisabeth II drotning sum stjórnarovasti." Orðið "hevur" (at have) stýrir hvønnfall (akkusativ), detta har man ikki i dansk sprog, men det kendes fra f.eks. tysk, hvis du har lært det og fra latin. Derfor skal "stjórnarovasti" ikke ende med i men a. "og hava tí Elisabeth II drotning sum stjórnarovasta." Hvis der stod at hun "er" statsoverhoved, så ville det være korrekt at ordet stod i nominativ og endte med i, men som sagt, hevur styrer akkusativ (som kaldes hvønnfall på færøsk). Du må sætte dig ind i grundlæggende færøsk grammatik, hvis du skal skrive på færøsk, hvis ikke så er bedst at lade være. EileenSanda (talk) 23. nov 2014 kl. 11:05 (UTC)Reply

Rætting til St. Kitts og Nevis - Tú skrivar: "Í oyggjarnar eru..." hvilket er forkert, "í" styrer hvørjumfall, denne casus kaldes dative på engelsk, så her burde der stå "Í oyggjunum eru", men jeg har omformuleret hele sætningen, syntes at man bedre kunne sige at "Oyggjarnar hava eisini sítt egna ting og guvernør. " Og her står øerne så i nominativ. Guvernørur ender på -ur i nominativ, men i den sætning som jeg har omformuleret står guvernør nu i akkusativ (hvønnfall) (styres af "hava", dvs. at have på dansk) og skal derfor ikke ende på -ur. EileenSanda (talk) 23. nov 2014 kl. 11:30 (UTC)Reply
I thought that you agreed to take a break here, well I can see that you don't listen, you keep writing in poor Faroese. I.e. on the article about USA, you wrote: Ravmagnsstólurin er enn nýtt í m.a. Tennessee og Nebraska. This means: "The electrical chair is still new in ..." Was that what you wanted to say, or did you mean "nýttur" which means "used"? I relly don't find it amusing to clean up here after you, please stop! EileenSanda (talk) 23. nov 2014 kl. 23:32 (UTC)Reply

Compact of Free Association


Hvad betyder: "og annan búskaparligu fyriskift", jeg forstår ikke sætningen, hvordan ville du skrive det på dansk eller engelsk? EileenSanda (talk) 23. nov 2014 kl. 11:34 (UTC)Reply

This would have been ideal: "Compact of Free Association (COFA) nations are treated uniquely by the US by giving them access to many U.S. domestic programs, including disaster response, recovery aid and hazard mitigation programs, and free services provided by the National Weather Service, the USPS, the Federal Aviation Administration, the Federal Communications Commission, and U.S. representation to the International Frequency Registration Board of the International Telecommunication Union. Citizens of the associated states may freely live or work in the US, and US citizens may live and work in associated states. A 2006 analysis showed that in United Nations, the COFA-members vote the same way as the US more often than all other nations apart from Israel." I wanted to refer to those free economical benefits the member states receive, as well as the aid work. Bazzy11 (talk) 23. nov 2014 kl. 15:08 (UTC)Reply
I am not going to translate all that text into Faroese. It is not up to you to decide what I should write about. EileenSanda (talk) 23. nov 2014 kl. 23:33 (UTC)Reply
I apologize. From now on I'll add infoboxes and few copied sentences to add text, these won't have any grammatical errors, e.g. Palau. Vinarliga Bazzy11 (talk) 24. nov 2014 kl. 06:31 (UTC)Reply
Ok, well even if it is not alloved to copy text from other websites, if theses are under copyright, it is better than to write a lo of text with many grammatical errors, because we are very few Faroese who are active here, right now I am the only one active of native Faroese wikipidians. Yes, that text in Palau is much better, but of course it would be if it is copied from a Faroese website. I don't know if that text you copied is under copyright or not. But I know that others have done the same, and I don't know about any complaints about it. EileenSanda (talk) 24. nov 2014 kl. 07:29 (UTC)Reply