Brúkarakjak:EileenSanda/Savn 3

Latest comment: 12 ár síðan by EileenSanda in topic Here's looking at you kid

Mín kjaksíða er her / My talkpage is at: Brúkarakjak:EileenSanda

Innihaldið á hesi síðuni er flutt frá mínari kjaksíðu, tað er frá 2012.

The content of this page is from 2012, moved from my talkpage.

Request for translation. Yanka Kupala and Yakub Kolas


Warm greeting from Belarusian Wikipedia! This year we celebrate 130. birthday of Belarusian great poets en:Yanka Kupala and en:Yakub Kolas Could you help us to translate articles into your unique and honourable language? Thank you in advance! --Rymchonak 15. jan 2012 kl. 09:31 (UTC)Reply

Hi, I have written about Janka Kupala in Faroese. Perhaps I will write about Jakub Kolas later. Kind regards EileenSanda 15. jan 2012 kl. 13:19 (UTC)Reply
Thank you. In Belarusian Wikipedia we have also articles about great persons from your country, see Christian Matras be:Крысціян Матрас --Rymchonak 15. jan 2012 kl. 17:01 (UTC)Reply

Request for translation


Warm greeting from Korean Wikipedia! Could you help us to translate simple:Kara and simple:Josh Duhamel articles into your unique and honourable language? Thank you in advance! Tsuchiya Hikaru 17. jan 2012 kl. 07:47 (UTC)Reply

Articles to expand


Hi Eileen. There are four articles I created in Faroese that need to be expanded: Fever, Body Language, X, Aphrodite. Regards. Hypuxylun 20. jan 2012 kl. 01:58 (UTC)Reply

speedy deletion


Hi Eileen! Some admin could look into the category for speedy deletion. I think category Strikingarboð is the category for this because template Delete causes this categorization. It seems no admin have looked into this category for months. Greetings Stefan Knauf 21. feb 2012 kl. 20:35 (UTC)Reply

Hi Stefan. I have deleted all the pages, images and categories, which were in the category for speedy deletion. I have deleted some pages there not so long ago, but I wasn't sure about some of the pages, but I guess it was ok to delete them, most of them were empty and replaced by others. Best regards EileenSanda 21. feb 2012 kl. 22:39 (UTC)Reply
Hi Eileen! Thanks! I hadn't look at all things which were in this category. As I cannot read Faeroese, I cannot really check anyway. I can only admit my responsibility for the six deletions where I put the nomination onto the page, this deletions are certainly correct. Greetings Stefan Knauf 22. feb 2012 kl. 00:38 (UTC)Reply
Ok, and anyway, if I have deleted anything which shouldn't have been, it isn't too late for another admin to revert it, as far as I know. But I think it was ok to delete everything which had the tag "strika", and it had been there for quite a while anyway. Heilsan EileenSanda 22. feb 2012 kl. 13:20 (UTC)Reply

Liten konflikt?


Hej Eileen!

Kan du hålla ett öga på vad som händer med grenen Monako? Det verkar som om två brukare har olika åsikter om vilken version av en bild som skall ligga där, och ägnar sig åt ett långsamt "redigeringskrig". Det verkar inte så farligt just nu, men om det blir värre, så behövs kanske ett ingripande av en administratör.

Med vänlig hälsning, Jörgen B (talk) 14. mar 2012 kl. 17:07 (UTC)Reply

Hej Jørgen, ja, jeg har lagt mærke til det, men jeg ved ikke hvem der har ret, ved du? Den ene påstår, at den andens billede er brud på copyright, men billedet har ligget på Wikimedia i flere år og er på flere artikler, det burde vel være der, at "krigen" opstod og ikke her? Hvis du finder ud af, hvem der har ret, og kommer frem til, hvat vi bør gøre, så siger du bare fra igen.

Med venlig hilsen EileenSanda (talk) 14. mar 2012 kl. 17:36 (UTC)Reply

Thanks for your contribution to MonmouthpediA


From one Atlantic island to another .... thanks. Do add your points to the challenge if you have time Victuallers (talk) 28. mar 2012 kl. 12:05 (UTC)Reply



Hi Eileen!

I've just translated the article Effo to de:Effo, but there is still one question: Can you tell me what "Trappubrøðurnir" are? Literally translated it seems to mean "Treppenbrüder" ("stair brothers") which is used to describe members of a "Brøðrasamkoman" in German language.

Is this right? Was Effo founded by Free Church members?

Thank you very much in advance and "farvæl" to the lovely Faroes! --JøMa (talk) 1. apr 2012 kl. 21:02 (UTC)Reply

Hi JøMa, I actually didn't know, what the name "Trappubrøðurnir" means, I have often heard about them, but I newer knew what the name meant, or I had forgotten. But I have asked the question on Facebook, and I got this answer: "Trappubrøðurnir vóru av Trapputrøðni í Havn. Tað er har sum SMS er í dag..., men hvar hendan trappan hevur verið veit eg ikki, hevur neyvan nakað við aðrar brøður at gera. Stendur uttan iva okkurt um teir í havnasøguni."<br
In English: "Trappubrøðurnir came from Trapputøðin in Tórshan. It is where the shopping mall SMS is today..., but I don't know where this stair is, and I don't think that it has got anything to do with some other brothers. No doubth that the book "Havnarsøga" (History of Tórshavn) write about them."
If I hear something else, I will let you know :) Kind regards EileenSanda (talk) 2. apr 2012 kl. 10:03 (UTC)Reply
One more answer from one of my Facebook friends: "Tað vóru brøðurnir Dánjal, Petur og Niclas Haraldsen, av Trappuni í Havn, ið keyptu fyrstu sluppina til Føroya, "Fox", í 1872". In English: The brothers Dánjal, Petur and Niclas Haraldsen from Av Trappuni (From the Stairs) in Tórshavn, bought the first Faroese smack to the Faroes, which was called Fox, in 1872.
Hi Eileen, thank you very much for your research – how exciting that even Faroese don't know the answer by heart! :o)
Yes, I found that "Fox" story on the internet, too. So we know those brothers did some trading, bought oil an ships. Obviously, "Trappubrøðurnir" meant something professional like the "Hanse" (but slighlty smaller). ;o)
Am I right that "trøðin" means something like "path" "place"?
Best wishes from Leipzig/Germany --JøMa (talk) 2. apr 2012 kl. 11:02 (UTC)Reply
Not path, but a piece of land. If you understand some Faroese, you can read about it here: Trøð. It is a piece of land from the "Kongsjørð" (there are two kinds of land in the Faroes, kongsjørð and óðalsjørð). You can not own kongsjørð. Anyway, these "trøð" (traðir in plural) were sold to people, so they could build a house there and have sheep, hen, cows etc. It is mainly around larger villages/towns, that you can find these traðir. I don't know the English word for this, but it is a piece of land near villages. I think they got it as some kinf of loan to start with, and after a while, they could buy it, but I am not sure how and for how much money. Some history books must write about it, I am sure. Now they are mainly used for people who wish to hava a few sheep as a hobby. "Trøðin" has an ending "in", it is the same as "the" in English, "der, die, das" in German. In Faroese we have a definet ending in stead, just like Danish and other Nordic languages. Regards EileenSanda (talk) 2. apr 2012 kl. 12:00 (UTC)Reply

I have a longer answer for you. Is there some way I could e-mail it to you, or should I just copy it in here?

Yes, feel free to use the e-mail function to contact me – I am courious to get to know the Brothers' background! :o) --JøMa (talk) 2. apr 2012 kl. 13:24 (UTC)Reply
Great, thank you very much! --JøMa (talk) 2. apr 2012 kl. 14:12 (UTC)Reply

Thanks and


Monmouthpedia thanks you for your many contributions Eileen. Please keep an eye on the points page as we will be announcing how you can watch the web stream. We have had to postpone the launch because we need the new Monmouthpedia Wifi to be in place to show off your work to people in Monmouth. If you can add your Skype name to the points page then that would enable us to contact you. We are intending to have a second phase of this competition but we wanted to make sure we kept to the deadline we had published. This will be the world's first Wikipedia town with your help Victuallers (talk) 17. apr 2012 kl. 11:38 (UTC)Reply

Kylie Minogue fløgur


Hi Eileen! Here is the text in English to translate in Faroese and to add at the articles for each album of Kylie Minogue:

Fever : "After its release, the album reached number one in Australia, Austria, Germany, Ireland and the United Kingdom. The album also reached number three in New Zealand and in the United States on Billboard 200. The album's first single "Can't Get You Out of My Head" reached number one in fifteen countries, becoming Minogue's biggest worldwide hit to date. The second single "In Your Eyes" reached number one in Australia and number three in the UK. The third single "Love at First Sight" reached number two in the UK and number three in Australia. The final single "Come into My World" reached number four in Australia and number eight in the UK. The album has sold over 8 million copies worldwide, making Minogue's best-selling album to date."

Body Language : "The album was recorded during the summer of 2003 in the United Kingdom, Ireland and Spain. Minogue also worked for the album with previous collaborators. The album reached number two in Australia and number six in the UK. The album's first single "Slow" reached number one in the UK and Australia. The second single "Red Blooded Woman" reached number four in Australia and number five in the UK. The third single "Chocolate" reached number six in the UK and number fourteen in Australia."

X : "The album reached number one in Australia and number four in the UK. The album was also very successful all around Europe. "2 Hearts" was released globally as the first single except in USA. The song reached number one in Australia and number four in the UK. "Wow" was released as the second single in the UK and Australia and the third in the rest of the world. It reached number eleven in Australia and number five in the UK. "In My Arms" was released as the second global single and the third in the UK and Australia. "All I See" was released as the first single in USA and the second single in Canada. "The One" was released as a single in the UK, Europe and Australia."

Aphrodite : "The album reached number one in the UK, her fifth album to reach number one in the country. It reached number two in Australia and number three in Germany. The album's first single "All the Lovers" reached number three in the UK and number thirteen in Australia. The second single "Get Outta My Way" was released in September 2010 and reached number twelve in the UK. The third single "Better then Today" was not very successful on the charts and reached only number 32 in the UK. However, it reached number one in the US on Billboard (Hot Dance Club Songs). "Put Your Hands Up (If You Feel Love)" was released as the album's fourth and final single."

Is would be great to complete these articles. Thank you. Hypuxylun 27. apr 2012, kl. 00:37 (UTC)

MonmouthpediA Charles Rolls Challenge Silver Contributor

  Charles Rolls Challenge, Silver Contributor
For your efforts in contributing articles to the Monmouthpedia project, you were one of the top 15 contributors in the Charles Rolls Challenge, Thank you!

We're pretty sure Monmouth is the best documented town in Wales, in many languages probably the best in the world.
We've started a new competition, The Geoffrey of Monmouth Challenge, please tell people about it and feel free to enter yourself :)
Please email your address to so I can send you your prizes
Mrjohncummings (talk) 17:08, 3 May 2012 (UTC)

Logting election


You article about the Logting links that book about the history of the parliament. Can you find out if there had been election between 1852 and 1906? I need that information for a list of the elctions of that parliament.--Antemister (talk) 18. mai 2012 kl. 21:36 (UTC)Reply

Walt Disney


Dear EileenSanda, could you please translate some of this article into Faroese, and add this list as well to the article? I would really appreciate it! Takk fyri! User:Bazzy11 8:12 PM (UTC) June 30, 2012

Dear Bazzy11 - I have copied and translated the list og Disney films: Disney biograf spælifilmar. I will tranlate a part of the Englis article about the Walt Disney Company later, when I can find time to do so. Kind regards EileenSanda (talk) 3. jul 2012 kl. 13:54 (UTC)Reply
Thank you very much!! User:Bazzy11 11:30 PM (UTC) July 5th, 2012
Hello again Bazzy11. I have created a page about The Walt Disney Company, based on the article on the Danish Wikipedia. Regards EileenSanda (talk) 20. aug 2012 kl. 16:23 (UTC)Reply

Request for creation


Hello Eileen, can you help me? Please, create page about Polandball (here in English or Icelandic). It is a popular internet meme/comics. In turn, I'm ready to create (a) page(s) about Faroese tematics (or maybe another theme interesting for you) in Veps Wikipedia. Thank you and best regards, --Tamara Ustinova (talk) 28. aug 2012 kl. 08:16 (UTC)Reply

Hello, I have created a page about Polandball, I translated the word into Faroese Póllandbóltur, but I also created a redirect page, which redirects Polandball to Póllandbóltur. Best regards EileenSanda (talk) 28. aug 2012 kl. 10:10 (UTC)Reply
I created a page about your hometown as gratitude :3 --Tamara Ustinova (talk) 28. aug 2012 kl. 11:20 (UTC)Reply
Cool, thanks :) EileenSanda (talk) 28. aug 2012 kl. 12:19 (UTC)Reply

Polandball barnstar

  The Polandball Barnstar
Hello Faroe Islandsball, Australiaball be approvings of your translatings of Polandball. With Faroe Islandsball help, we provings that whilst Poland can not into space, Polandball can into Wikipedia. As Australiaball making note of on his page of user, he will continue to make uploadings of aviation picturings to Commons. Many of greetings and exultations. Russavia (talk) 1. sep 2012 kl. 17:59 (UTC)Reply
Hi Russavia. I am glad that I could help a bit :) Thanks for the barnstar :) Sounds good about the aviation pictures. Greetings EileenSanda (talk) 2. sep 2012 kl. 01:30 (UTC)Reply

Faroese speaker needs on Commons


Hi, I need a Faroese speaker to help with sorting out the copyright status of File:Coat-of-arms of the Faroe Islands.png, File:Mítt alfagra land.jpg, File:Mítt alfagra land (2).jpg, and couldn't find one on Commons. I don't even know if Faroes has its own copyright law or uses Danish copyright law - we have no documentation on this on Commons. If you can help, or suggest someone who can, I'd be grateful. I obviously don't come here often(!), so please reply on my Commons user talk page. Thanks. Rd232 (talk) 3. des 2012 kl. 14:04 (UTC)Reply

Hi, I have answered you on your talk page on the English Wikipedia. Kind regards EileenSanda (talk) 3. des 2012 kl. 14:51 (UTC)Reply

Om Jólaevangeliið


Hej Eileen!

Jag känner till Tostarpadius från svenska Wikipedia, och han är en seriös användare. Jag antar att han försökte dela upp interwiki-länkarna mellan artiklar om just Julevangeliet i Lukas och mellan artiklar som mer generellt handlar om Jesu födesel. Se till dömes artiklarna på danska om da:Juleevangeliet och da:Jesu fødsel. Han har gjort liknande rättningar på andra Wikipedior. /Diupwijk 12. des 2012 kl. 17:27 (UTC)Reply

Hej, ups, ja så har jeg taget fejl, jeg kom også i tvivl efter at jeg havde spærret ham for et tidsrum af en uge. Jeg vil ændre det tilbage igen, hvis jeg kan. Tak for at du siger det! Venlig hilsen EileenSanda (talk) 12. des 2012 kl. 17:58 (UTC)Reply
Hei Eileen, jeg har opphevet blokkeringen av Tostarpadius for deg. Niceley 12. des 2012 kl. 18:16 (UTC)Reply
Tusind tak for det Nicolai :) EileenSanda (talk) 12. des 2012 kl. 20:23 (UTC)Reply

Here's looking at you kid

Here's looking at you kid

Hi Eileen, in relation to the above Polandball-aviation thing, I am waiting on permission from a few photographers to be able to upload more Faroe-related aviation photos, but in the meantime, I thought I would upload Flickr sets/streams with a Faroe's theme. Would this be suitable for you, in case the aviation photos don't eventuate? If there are any Faroe topical photos we need on Commons, let me know, and if we can find them on Flickr, I can upload entire streams if required. Russavia (talk) 28. des 2012 kl. 18:33 (UTC)Reply

LOL, I just did a search for suitable photos on Flickr, and the first two results - one which I am already uploading -- and this stream (yours!?) If you ever want to make the entire stream available under CC-BY-SA, let me know, and I can upload the entire stream to Commons ;) Russavia (talk) 28. des 2012 kl. 18:38 (UTC)Reply
That is my photostream on Flickr, yes :) Don't worry about the photos which you promised to upload here, I actually thought that they were your own photos. Anyway, I don't write on Wikipedia in order to get something in stead, I write on Wikipedia because I like it. No, I don't think that I want my entire photostream on Flickr uploaded to commons, I have already uploaded quite many photos to commons :) Best regards EileenSanda (talk) 28. des 2012 kl. 21:23 (UTC)Reply
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