
The following is a list of grants with their associated access to user rights. Users can authorize applications to use their account, but with limited permissions based on the grants the user gave to the application. An application acting on behalf of a user cannot actually use rights that the user does not have however. There may be additional information about individual rights.

Basic rights (basic)
  • Automatically log in with an external user account (autocreateaccount)
  • Bypass IP blocks, auto-blocks and range blocks (ipblock-exempt)
  • Bypass automatic blocks of Tor exit nodes (torunblocked)
  • Bypass global IP blocks (globalblock-exempt)
  • Hava eins egnu rættingar sjálvvirkamdi vístar sum eftirkannaðar (autopatrol)
  • Les síður (read)
  • Not have minor edits to discussion pages trigger the new messages prompt (nominornewtalk)
  • Perform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA (skipcaptcha)
  • Rætta síður sum er vardar sum "Loyv bert autováttaðum brúkarum" (editsemiprotected)
  • Skal ikki ávirkast av IP-baseraðum avmarkingum (autoconfirmed)
  • Sí lista við síðum sum ikki eru eftiransaðar (unwatchedpages)
  • Síggj tær seinastu eftirlitsmerktu broytingar (patrolmarks)
  • Vís misnýtslu filtur (abusefilter-view)
  • Vís misnýtslu loggin (abusefilter-log)
  • Vís í smálutum postar í misnýtslu loggunum (abusefilter-log-detail)
High-volume (bot) access (highvolume)
  • Be treated as an automated process (bot)
  • Ikki ávirkað av hámarksferð (noratelimit)
  • Markera afturrullaðar rættingar sum rættingar frá einum botti (markbotedits)
  • Send a message to multiple users at once (massmessage)
  • Use higher limits in API queries (apihighlimits)
Import revisions (import)
  • Innflyt síður frá frá einari fílu sum er løgd út (importupload)
  • Innflyt síður frá øðrum wikium (import)
Edit existing pages (editpage)
  • Add and remove arbitrary tags on individual revisions and log entries (changetags)
  • Apply tags along with one's changes (applychangetags)
  • Change Item terms (labels, descriptions, aliases) (item-term)
  • Change Property terms (labels, descriptions, aliases) (property-term)
  • Change page language (pagelang)
  • Create Item redirects (item-redirect)
  • Edit the content model of a page (editcontentmodel)
  • Markera rættingar sum smáar (minoredit)
  • Merge Items (item-merge)
  • Rætta síður (edit)
Edit protected pages (editprotected)
  • Add and remove arbitrary tags on individual revisions and log entries (changetags)
  • Apply tags along with one's changes (applychangetags)
  • Bypass blocked external domains (abusefilter-bypass-blocked-external-domains)
  • Bypass the spam block list (sboverride)
  • Edit pages protected as "Allow only autopatrollers" (editautopatrolprotected)
  • Edit pages protected as "Allow only autopatrollers" (editextendedsemiprotected)
  • Edit pages protected as "Allow only autoreviewers" (editautoreviewprotected)
  • Edit pages protected as "Allow only editors" (editeditorprotected)
  • Edit pages protected as "Allow only trusted users" (edittrustedprotected)
  • Edit pages with potential legal consequences (edit-legal)
  • Edit protected templates (templateeditor)
  • Edit restricted pages (extendedconfirmed)
  • Edit the content model of a page (editcontentmodel)
  • Markera rættingar sum smáar (minoredit)
  • Move pages with stable versions (movestable)
  • Override the disallowed titles or usernames list (tboverride)
  • Rætta síður (edit)
  • Rætta síður sum eru vardar sum "Loyv bert umboðsstjórum" (editprotected)
Edit your user CSS/JSON/JavaScript (editmycssjs)
  • Add and remove arbitrary tags on individual revisions and log entries (changetags)
  • Apply tags along with one's changes (applychangetags)
  • Edit the content model of a page (editcontentmodel)
  • Markera rættingar sum smáar (minoredit)
  • Rætta síður (edit)
  • Rætta tínar egnu brúkara CSS fílur (editmyusercss)
  • Rætta tínar egnu brúkara JSON fílur (editmyuserjson)
  • Rætta tínar egnu brúkara JavaScript fílur (editmyuserjs)
Edit your user preferences and JSON configuration (editmyoptions)
  • Rætta tínar egnu brúkara JSON fílur (editmyuserjson)
  • Rætta tínar egnu innstillingar (editmyoptions)
Edit the MediaWiki namespace and sitewide/user JSON (editinterface)
  • Add and remove arbitrary tags on individual revisions and log entries (changetags)
  • Apply tags along with one's changes (applychangetags)
  • Edit sitewide JSON (editsitejson)
  • Edit the content model of a page (editcontentmodel)
  • Markera rættingar sum smáar (minoredit)
  • Rætta JSON fílur hjá øðrum brúkarum (edituserjson)
  • Rætta brúkaramarkamótið (editinterface)
  • Rætta síður (edit)
Edit sitewide and user CSS/JS (editsiteconfig)
  • Add and remove arbitrary tags on individual revisions and log entries (changetags)
  • Apply tags along with one's changes (applychangetags)
  • Edit sitewide CSS (editsitecss)
  • Edit sitewide JSON (editsitejson)
  • Edit sitewide JavaScript (editsitejs)
  • Edit the content model of a page (editcontentmodel)
  • Markera rættingar sum smáar (minoredit)
  • Rætta CSS fílur hjá øðrum brúkarum (editusercss)
  • Rætta JSON fílur hjá øðrum brúkarum (edituserjson)
  • Rætta JavaScript fílur hjá øðrum brúkarum (edituserjs)
  • Rætta brúkaramarkamótið (editinterface)
  • Rætta síður (edit)
Create, edit, and move pages (createeditmovepage)
  • Add and remove arbitrary tags on individual revisions and log entries (changetags)
  • Apply tags along with one's changes (applychangetags)
  • Create Properties (property-create)
  • Delete single revision redirects (delete-redirect)
  • Edit the content model of a page (editcontentmodel)
  • Flyt bólkasíður (move-categorypages)
  • Flyt síður (move)
  • Flyt síður saman við undirsíðum teirra (move-subpages)
  • Flyta høvuðs brúkarasíður (move-rootuserpages)
  • Flyta síður uttan at upprætta víðaristilling frá tí gomlu síðuni. (suppressredirect)
  • Markera rættingar sum smáar (minoredit)
  • Rætta síður (edit)
  • Stovna kjaksíðu (createtalk)
  • Stovna síður (sum ikki eru kjaksíður) (createpage)
Upload new files (uploadfile)
  • Legg upp fílur (upload)
  • Yvirskriva verandi fílur, sum tú hevur lagt upp (reupload-own)
Upload, replace, and move files (uploadeditmovefile)
  • Flyt fílur (movefile)
  • Flyta síður uttan at upprætta víðaristilling frá tí gomlu síðuni. (suppressredirect)
  • Legg fílur upp frá einum URL (upload_by_url)
  • Legg upp fílur (upload)
  • Override files on the shared media repository locally (reupload-shared)
  • Reset failed or transcoded videos so they are inserted into the job queue again (transcode-reset)
  • Yvirskriva verandi fílur (reupload)
  • Yvirskriva verandi fílur, sum tú hevur lagt upp (reupload-own)
Patrol changes to pages (patrol)
  • Marka broytingar hjá øðrum sum eftirkannaðar (patrol)
Rollback changes to pages (rollback)
  • Rulla skjótt aftur (tak burtur) rættingarnar hjá tí seinasta brúkaranum á einari ávísari síðu (rollback)
Block and unblock users (blockusers)
  • Nokta einum brúkara at senda teldupost (blockemail)
  • Nokta øðrum brúkarum at rætta (blokka) (block)
View deleted files and pages (viewdeleted)
  • Hygg eftir slettaðum versjónum, uttan tilhoyrandi tekstin (deletedhistory)
  • Leita í strikaðum síðum (browsearchive)
  • Sí strikaðan tekst og broytingar ímillum strikaðar endurskoðanir (deletedtext)
View restricted log entries (viewrestrictedlogs)
  • View the disallowed titles list log (titleblacklistlog)
  • View the spam block list log (spamblacklistlog)
  • Vís fjaldar postar í misnýtslu logginum (abusefilter-hidden-log)
  • Vís loggpostar frá misnýtslufiltrum, sum eru markað sum privat (abusefilter-log-private)
  • Vís misnýtslu filtur markaði sum privat (abusefilter-view-private)
  • Vís privatar loggar (suppressionlog)
Delete pages, revisions, and log entries (delete)
  • Add and remove arbitrary tags on individual revisions and log entries (changetags)
  • Apply tags along with one's changes (applychangetags)
  • Edit the content model of a page (editcontentmodel)
  • Endurstovnað eina síðu (undelete)
  • Hygg eftir slettaðum versjónum, uttan tilhoyrandi tekstin (deletedhistory)
  • Leita í strikaðum síðum (browsearchive)
  • Markera rættingar sum smáar (minoredit)
  • Mass delete pages (nuke)
  • Rætta síður (edit)
  • Strika og endurstovna serstakar versjónir av síðum (deleterevision)
  • Strika og endurstovna serstakir loggpostar (deletelogentry)
  • Strika síður (delete)
  • Strika síður við nógvum versjónum (bigdelete)
  • Sí strikaðan tekst og broytingar ímillum strikaðar endurskoðanir (deletedtext)
Hide users and suppress revisions (oversight)
  • Endurskoða og endurstovna versjónir sum eru fjaldar fyri administratorum (suppressrevision)
  • Fjal postar í misnýtslu logginum (abusefilter-hide-log)
  • View revisions hidden from any user (viewsuppressed)
Protect and unprotect pages (protect)
  • Add and remove arbitrary tags on individual revisions and log entries (changetags)
  • Apply tags along with one's changes (applychangetags)
  • Broyt verjustøður og rætta kaskadu-vardar síður (protect)
  • Edit the content model of a page (editcontentmodel)
  • Markera rættingar sum smáar (minoredit)
  • Rætta síður (edit)
  • Rætta síður sum eru vardar sum "Loyv bert umboðsstjórum" (editprotected)
View your watchlist (viewmywatchlist)
  • Síggj tín egna eftirlitslista (viewmywatchlist)
Edit your watchlist (editmywatchlist)
  • Rætta tín egna eftirlitslista. Legg til merkis at summar handlingar fara framvegis at leggja síður afturat sjálvt uttan hesi rættindi. (editmywatchlist)
Send email to other users (sendemail)
  • Send t-post til aðrir brúkarar (sendemail)
Create accounts (createaccount)
  • Override the disallowed usernames list (tboverride-account)
  • Override the spoofing checks (override-antispoof)
  • Stovna nýggja brúkara kontu (createaccount)
Access private information (privateinfo)
  • Síggj tíni egnu privatu upplýsingar (t.d. teldupostadressu, veruligt navn) (viewmyprivateinfo)
Merge page histories (mergehistory)
  • Samanflætta søguna hjá hesum síðum (mergehistory)
Create short URLs (shortenurls)
  • Create short URLs (urlshortener-create-url)
Globally block or unblock a user (globalblock)
  • Make and remove global blocks (globalblock)
Manage global account status (setglobalaccountstatus)
  • Stong ella lat upp globala konto (centralauth-lock)
  • Suppress or hide global account (centralauth-suppress)
Forcibly create a local account for a global account (createlocalaccount)
  • Forcibly create a local account for a global account (centralauth-createlocal)
Manage your OAuth clients (oauthmanageownclient)
  • Manage OAuth grants (mwoauthmanagemygrants)
  • Propose new OAuth consumers (mwoauthproposeconsumer)
  • Update OAuth consumers you control (mwoauthupdateownconsumer)
Access two-factor authentication (OATH) information for self and others (oath)
  • Query and validate OATH information for self and others (oathauth-api-all)
  • Verify whether a user has two-factor authentication enabled (oathauth-verify-user)
Access checkuser data (checkuser)
  • Check users' IP addresses and other information (checkuser)
  • View the checkuser log (checkuser-log)
Access checkuser data for temporary accounts (checkuser-temporary-account)
  • View IP addresses used by temporary accounts (checkuser-temporary-account)
  • View IP addresses used by temporary accounts without needing to check the preference (checkuser-temporary-account-no-preference)
  • View the log of access to temporary account IP addresses (checkuser-temporary-account-log)
Manage mentorship (managementorship)
  • Enroll as a mentor (enrollasmentor)
  • Manage the list of mentors (managementors)
  • Set user's mentor (setmentor)

OAuth-specific grants

These additional grants are applicable to OAuth consumers.

User identity verification only, no ability to read pages or act on a user's behalf.
User identity verification only with access to real name and email address, no ability to read pages or act on a user's behalf.