Hetta er ein dokumentatión undirsíða til Fyrimynd:OMIM2. Hon inniheldur kunning um nýtsluna, bólkar og um annað innihald, ið ikki er við í uppruna fyrimynd síðuni. |
rættaThis template creates a very concise reference citation to a specific numbered page at the Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man database. For example, where "261500" is the OMIM page number,
produces 261500
This template is good to use when there is a long series of OMIM citations in a row and one wishes to be as concise as possible with them. Generally, it should be immediately preceded by use of the {{OMIM}} template, or {{OMIM3}} (or its plainlinks variant {{OMIM5}} if {{OMIM}} was already used earlier in the article/section; without preceding {{OMIM2}} with one or the other, it will be unclear to the reader what the citation is citing. {{OMIM2}} is also used (and was created) for {{infobox disease}}. There is a plainlinks version of {{OMIM2}}, at {{OMIM4}}, that does not show the external link icon, for use infoboxes where the context already makes it clear that the links are external.