![]() | Hetta er ein dokumentatión undirsíða til Fyrimynd:GRT. Hon inniheldur kunning um nýtsluna, bólkar og um annað innihald, ið ikki er við í uppruna fyrimynd síðuni. |
rættaTo show bruttoregistartonsatal (gross register tonnage) in a consistent manner that is compliant with en:WP:MOSNUM. In particular it:
- capitalization and spelling are standardized (i.e. GRT, Grt, grt, G.R.T., g.r.t. and so forth),
- the link to the definition is standardized,
- spells out "XXX gross register tons" and introduces the abbreviation GRT on the first use in an article,
- links to gross register tonnage on the first use in an article,
- uses the abbreviation GRT on subsequent uses in the article, and
- inserts a between the number and the unit.
Note! For ships built on or after 18 July 1982, use {{GT}}.
- Parameters
- number: numerical value of the gross register tonnage;
- disp: controls how the template will render in the page:
when empty or omitted, displays the abbreviated form:{{GRT|36,000|disp=}}
→ 36.000 GRT
creates a verbose description suitable for the first occurrence on a page. Equivalent to the deprecated|first=yes
→ 36.000 gross register tons (GRT)
creates the adjectival form:{{GRT|36,000|disp=adj}}
→ 36.000-gross register ton (GRT)
- link: controls when the template output is linked to the gross register tonnage article
when empty or omitted, links to the gross register tonnage article; this is the default;{{GRT|36,000|disp=long|link=}}
→ 36.000 gross register tons (GRT)
instances of the rendered template are not linked to the gross register tonnage article:{{GRT|36,000|disp=long|link=off}}
→ 36.000 gross register tons (GRT)
- first: (deprecated) controls how the template will render in the page:
(deprecated) when empty or omitted or|first=short
(deprecated) displays the abbreviated form:{{GRT|36,000|first=}}
→ 36.000 GRT
(deprecated) creates a verbose description suitable for the first occurrence on a page. Equivalent to|disp=long
→ 36.000 bruttoregistartonsatal (GRT)
(deprecated) creates an unlinked verbose description. Equivalent to|disp=long
→ 36.000 bruttoregistartonsatal
rættaInput | Displays as |
{{GRT|36000|disp=long}} | 36.000 gross register tons (GRT) |
{{GRT|36000|disp=long|link=off}} | 36.000 gross register tons (GRT) |
{{GRT|36000|disp=adj}} | 36.000-gross register ton (GRT) |
{{GRT|36000|disp=adj|link=off}} | 36.000-gross register ton (GRT) |
{{GRT|36000|disp=}} | 36.000 GRT |
{{GRT|36000}} | 36.000 GRT |
{{GRT|36000|link=off}} | 36.000 GRT |
Líknandi fyrimyndir
rætta- {{Displacement}} for displacement (ships)
- {{DWT}} fyri deyðvekt tonnasja
- {{GRT}} fyri bruttoregistartonsatal
- {{GT}} fyri bruttoregistartonsatal (gross tonnage)
- {{NetT}} fyri nettotons
- {{NRT}} fyri nettotonsatal
- {{TEU}} fyri twenty-foot equivalent units