

Fyrimynd til endurgeving (citat) av teksti við minni skalerbarum gásareygum

Provides a centered, borderless quotation, with scalable, non-clickable graphic quotation marks, and optional attribution of the source of the quote. Can be used with or without the names of the parameters.


  • {{endurgeving|endurgivin tekstur=tann endurgivni teksturin|endurgevingarpersónur=endurgivin persónur|endurgevingarkelda=keldan hjá endurgivna tekstinum|endurgevingarbreidd=##px|endurgevingarhædd=##px}}
  • {{endurgeving|text of quote|person quoted|source of quote|##px|##px}}
  • Bara tað fyrsta parametrið er kravt.