Template:Correct title is a Wikipedia maintenance template that produces an article hatnote to help explain to readers that restrictions on titles containing colons, periods, and some other characters (noted at WP:TITLESPECIALCHARACTERS) affect the page name of the page they are reading.

Examples rætta

For issues with the (#) sign, pass the |reason=# parameter:

{{Correct title|C# (programming language)|reason=#}}
Rætta heiti á hesi grein er C# (programming language). Útskifting ella burturúrløga av # er av tøkniligum ávum.

For issues with any of (< > [ ] { }), pass the |reason=bracket parameter:

{{Correct title|Benzo[a]pyrene|reason=bracket}}
Rætta heiti á hesi grein er Benzo[a]pyrene. Útskifting ella burturúrløga av < > [ ] { } er av tøkniligum ávum.

For issues with :, pass the |reason=: parameter:

{{Correct title|DK: King of Swing|reason=:}}
Rætta heiti á hesi grein er DK: King of Swing. Útskifting ella burturúrløga av colon er av tøkniligum ávum.

The template can also be used without a reason, which produces:

Rætta heiti á hesi grein er Correct title. Tað sær ikki rætt út her av tøkniligum ávum.

See also rætta

Template Involves Correct name Actual article name
{{Italic title}} Title in italics Gone with the Wind Gone with the Wind
{{Lowercase title}} Lowercase first character eBay EBay
{{Correct title|reason=bracket}} < > [ ] { } Benzo[a]pyrene Benzo(a)pyrene
{{Correct title|reason=#}} # Pilot #5 Pilot ♯5
{{Correct title|reason=:}} / : DK: King of Swing DK King of Swing
{{DISPLAYTITLE}} Various Batman (1989 film) Batman (1989 film)