Hetta er dokumentatiónssíðan fyri Fyrimynd:((.

Henda síðan er ikki neyðturviliga hugsað at skula vísast beinleiðis. Um hon nýtir variablar, so kunnu nøkur leinki sýnast sum brotin. Tú mást ikki útskifta variablarnir við beinleiðis tittlar ella URL.

Use this template to produce the character or characters "" as ordinary text rather than as part of a link [[ ]], transclusion {{ }}, variable {{{ }}}, etc.

Similar templates

Template Output HTML alternative
Template: ||
Template: [ [
Template: ] ]
Template: [[
Template: ]]
Template: { {
Template: } }
Template: {{
Template: }}
Template: {{{
Template: }}}
  • Note: Template: was also a template but was converted into a Magic Word, you can also use the HTML alternative of | and either will give you an output of |

See also


Other brace-rendering templates