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FrágreiðingViva for Niño.jpg
English: The Holy Child Jesus, locally known as Santo Niño, is among the most venerated and recognizable religious image in the Philippines. This is because the image does not only show the faithfulness of Catholics to their religion, but also reminds Filipino of the birth of Christianity in the country.
Français : Hourrah pour l'enfant, par Herbert Kikoy. L'Enfant sacré Jésus, connu localement sous le nom de Santo Niño, compte parmi les images religieuses les plus vénérées et les plus typiques aux Philippines. C'est parce que l'image ne montre pas seulement la piété des catholiques en lovers leur religion, mais rappelle aussi aux Philippins les débuts de la diffusion de la chrétienté dans leur pays.
This photo has been taken in the country: Philippines
ognan – Tú mást ognarskrivað verkið á ein slíkan hátt sum er útgreinaður av høvundanum ella lisenseigaranum (men ikki á nakran hátt ið kundi bent á at hesin hevur góðkent teg ella tína nýtslu av verkinum).
deil undir somu treytum – Um tú broytir, evnar til ella byggir víðari á hetta verk, so kanst tú bert útgeva verkið undir somu ella líkandi lisensi sum hesin.