For taking this photo and licensing it under a free licence a (press) accreditation was required. The photographer had a valid accreditation and has sent it to the email response team, it has been archived in the VRTS system. Users with VRTS account can access it here.
Please be aware that (press) accreditations are a permission to generally take photos only and do not make any statement about the copyright status of this photo!
ognan – Tú mást ognarskrivað verkið á ein slíkan hátt sum er útgreinaður av høvundanum ella lisenseigaranum (men ikki á nakran hátt ið kundi bent á at hesin hevur góðkent teg ella tína nýtslu av verkinum).
deil undir somu treytum – Um tú broytir, evnar til ella byggir víðari á hetta verk, so kanst tú bert útgeva verkið undir somu ella líkandi lisensi sum hesin.